Having gone to bed, again, rather early, I slept in today without being interrupted by jets, then showered, lingered over lunch, picked up my room a bit even though I know their maid would just do it anyways, then insulted said maid [but not to her face] by using an extremely incorrect noun, apparently ['maid' -vs- 'woman of house,' if I translate them very literally], and made Maria laugh. Sigh. I spent most of today lingering at the Tuils, as I call them now, in a lucky chair by the fountain just west of the Louvre, reading, thinking, dozing, watching people, taking in the sun [it's warmed up now to comfortable shorts weather, thank god, I have never ever ever ever been so cold in July].
Later I went into the Louvre to do some preliminary thinking for my paper due in a week [actually, that's unexpectedly soon], stayed there a while, then exited to find some dinner. It was a bit after nine at this point, and I just got some cheap[ish] Chinese, and apple juice, and ate on the Pont Neuf, chewing on nems and watching the Eiffel Tower sparkle lights and people taking photos of each other. I remembered it was the full moon tonight, so took a promenade on Ile de la Cite, having more fun with photos, watched the fire people [who were back], wandered a bit, and took my usual Hotel de Ville metro back.

where I sat :) see the boats?
exiting the Louvre, the ground wasn't this dark, my camera can just be odd [see the Ferris wheel lit up?]:
pretty, you can see the Pont des Artes, the one with all of the locks:
and this is how I keep myself occupied:
yup, they started taking down the temporary park in front of the Hotel de Ville today:
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