Right, so I met up Helen, Lauren and Layne at Denfert-Rochereau, having made plans with them the night before, and together we waited in line, then descended, into the catacombs. Formerly stone mines, the passages underground, under the today's sewers and metro lines, were used in the 18th century to dispose of all of the bones in Paris [recall my earlier description from Moliere's text], and have been a tourist attraction for over a hundred years:

All of my photos turned out horrifically, but it was interesting, wikipedia says there are over six million people down there, stacked, with sporadic arrangements, and there was water dripping down, and I wonder about people taking souvenirs, because the bones on top didn't seem to be cemented in place or anything, though the big stacks were, and I also wondered if the mud was made from bone dust, which was a weird thought. We then went to Lauren and Layne's flat for lunch, stopping at a Monop' for supplies, and after went to one of the patisseries on Layne's list. This is us eating them at a metro stop, with mine in the foreground, a weird tea-mousse-lemon-green stuff-Thing, tasty:

I chose it because it was pretty. We shared all of ours, a bitter chocolate brick thing, a flaky pastry-caramel layered thing and a crusty raspberry cream thing, as we went on our way to Opera Garnier. We were going to take a tour, but it was full, so our backup was:

Sacre Coeur, which the two L's hadn't yet been to. In the above you can see a man who painted himself for money, with whom people posed for pictures, and this is me:

Being happy. We took a turn about the inside, then admired the view for a while, then walked around the area a bit, popping into tourist shops as we went. Going next to the Champs-Elysees, we got our tickets for Super 8, and here's a picture of the movie theatre we thought was the right one, but ended up being opposite ours:

And then two of them were hungry, so we stopped at Pomme de Pain on the avenue, and here's a picture of pigeons swarming a tray left by someone on a table:

And then we got in line for the movie, got our seats, and I watched half of it through my fingers because I already knew it was aliens but it was scaaaaaary, and a good watch, I would recommend it. Next we walked over to the Pont de l'Alma, on our way going through the very exclusive eighth arrondissement, where we had photo shoots with cars and the mannequins in the windows of designers, and here's a schmancy hotel with gorgeous flowers:

We'd intended to meet up with others from our class to go for a nighttime bateau mouche ride, but they were very late and we ended up sitting separately, the four of us on the roof, playing with our cameras, like in the image below of the Eiffel Tower with its sparkle lights on, taking photos of each other, enjoying looking at Big Things lit up, the churches, apartments, trees lining the quais, tourists on bridges, trying to see stars, it was nice. Afterwards, I was starving, exhausted from not getting much sleep [because I'd written a paper into the wee hours of the morning, once again], and said my farewells. The other three intended to chill on the Champs de Mars for a while, but later told me that they, too, just ended up passing out. Helen quite accurately said that today felt like two days.
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