Just for the record, the bathroom:
I got a top bunk and out of the seven other girls sleeping in there, three snored and one breathed really loudly, and then there was me, and Tori always says I snore and Erin backs her up even though I DON'T, so maybe there were four snorers, anyways:
leaving the hostel, which, again, great place:
still leaving the hostel, it's there, to the left:
descending, this is Calanque de Port Pin, named after the pine trees on it, and you can see Rich Peoples' Pads, but apparently the rest of the calanques had been bought a fair while ago by Ricard, the alcoholic, I think, and been turned over to the government as nature preserves, which was why the rest of the area was natural and allowed others to be natural as well:
continuing on, yup, very pretty:
just a staircase:
I decided to rent a kayak for the day and get some exercise. Four euros got me food for the day, ravioli, two apples and a small thing of Nutella, and this is where I stopped for lunch, on a bit of the clothed-people rocks, and you can see my faithful vessel, whom I dubbed Aster in a fit of dehydration:
because the other side [not this one, around the corner] were less-clothed people, and here is a random kayak group:
there were a lot of rocks in different formations, really neat, though I know next to nothing about geology, of course. I held the camera pretty close to the water for this one:
I cannot tell you how many absolutely horrible, blurry, over-bright, just ick pictures I took trying to convey the fact that, if you looked, there were people all over these things, and you really had to look, because sometimes they were sniper bait walking along the top, waywayway up high, sometimes they were climbing, or dangling, and I got a good look at a trio [that you absolutely cannot see] climbing the lower bit of one, and there were their eyelets embedded everywhere in the rock that you could find by looking for the rust stains, freaking crazy people all over the place:
Heading back now, it took me and hour to get to where I stopped and over three to get back with a light tailwind, yikes:
and here I am back in Marseilles, and despite the natural lighting it is actually around nine pm, which should tell you one thing about the abilities of my camera, and another about how weird the weather is here:
aaand that was my weekend :) I was really dirty, there were no showers.