And here are some photos driving to the house, this is a bit of Catania, I assume we'll visit later and I'll photograph it more knowledgeably then:
Driving craziness:
Entering Nicolosi, you see they're putting up lights, our landlady told us they have a festival and are going to bless the cars on Monday, I think:
And I thought this was neat, a cistern for watering the plants without using expensive city water:
Bill in the trunk of the cute car they got, even the white car, which would be considered small in the US, is noticeably large here for a personal car, and very American:
Here you can see a bidet:
Entering Nicolosi, you see they're putting up lights, our landlady told us they have a festival and are going to bless the cars on Monday, I think:
And here, for the benefit of the female folk, some photos of the house, which they only moved into three days ago, so I guess I could’ve waited until it was more picturesque but it was like therapy for me, I was so tired and confused, here's the pizza oven in I think what was the original kitchen, the house was built on in several stages (or at least two), we don't know how old it is:
There's a nice inner courtyard we haven't used at all because ....
There's such a nice porch:
Kitchen area:
And I thought this was neat, a cistern for watering the plants without using expensive city water:
Bill in the trunk of the cute car they got, even the white car, which would be considered small in the US, is noticeably large here for a personal car, and very American:
Here you can see a bidet:
And the front of the house, which happens to have two front doors (you can just make out the second to the right of the stone siding):
Poor mom waited an hour and a half for me at the bus place
(we had some trouble communicating and I’m not stupid, but I could only make
the payphone send text messages) but I’m here, she doesn’t seem traumatized, we
went to a pizza place two houses away for dinner, Delta didn’t lose my luggage,
it’ll be a great vacation.
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