Friday, June 29, 2012

Day 1- Wednesday 27 June

Not much to report today, I spent most of it in a minor headachy fugue and asked about every hour what time it was. We’d intended to do a few other things on the base, but the plumbers were out the house most of the day, so I mostly just alternated between reading and passing out. This, however, left me plenty of time to make observations for my first ever Weird Things About Italy, which addresses the house: Aside from the toilet water being blue, the house lacks a certain American eye to detail that marks it as foreign: The wallpaper is different in almost every room and coordinated independently of the flooring and room function. You can’t always reach the toilet paper from the toilet. Some of the light switches, noticeably the hall one and outside ones, have more than one function when really everyone would be fine with just one function. My bedroom seems to lock from the outside. Doubtless there's more but that's what I have so far ....

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